Book Chapters
- Patent Assertion Entities in Europe
with Brian J. Love, Fabian Gaessler, Max Ernicke, in Daniel Sokol (Editor), Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Policy, Cambridge University Press (2017)
- Trade Marks and Performance in UK firms
with Mark Rogers, in Teresa da Silva Lopes and Paul Duguid (Eds.) Trade Marks, Brands and Competitiveness, Routledge (2009)
- Personalized Content, Engagement, and Monetization in a Mobile Puzzle Game
with Louis-Daniel Pape, Alessandro Iaria, Stefan Wagner, and Julian Runge, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 98 (2025)
- Welcome to Waco! The Impact of Judge-Shopping on Litigation
with Brian Love, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol. 41 (1), pp. 294–315 (2025)
- Are Non-Practicing Entities Opportunistic? Evidence from Litigation of Standard Essential Patents
with Brian Love, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 77 (1), pp. 271–288 (2025)
- Patent Law Reform and Innovation: An Empirical Assessment of the Last 20 Years
with Brian Love, International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 79 (2024)
- Do Standard-Essential Patent Owners Behave Opportunistically? Evidence from U.S. District Court Dockets
with Yassine Lefouili and Brian Love, American Law and Economics Review, Vol. 25 (1), pp. 300-337 (2023)
- Patent Validity and Litigation: Evidence from U.S. Inter Partes Review
with Brian Love, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 66 (1), pp. 53-81 (2023)
- Patent Hold-out and Licensing Frictions: Evidence from Litigation of Standard Essential Patents
with Brian Love, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 89 (2023)
- Are Market Prices for Patent Licenses Observable? Evidence from 4G and 5G Licensing
with Brian Love, Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, Vol. 24, pp. 55-105 (2022)
- Submarine Trademarks
with Carsten Fink, Andrea Fosfuri, and Amanda Myers, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 818-840 (2022)
- The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Theory and Evidence from NPEs
with Bernhard Ganglmair and Brian Love, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 741-773 (2022)
- Intellectual Property Use and Firm Performance: the Case of Chile
with Carsten Fink and Bronwyn Hall, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 70 (1), pp. 321–357 (2021)
- The Effect of Fee Shifting on Litigation: Evidence from a Policy Innovation in Intermediate Cost Shifting
with Yassine Lefouili, Brian Love and Luke McDonagh, American Law and Economics Review, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 56–99 (2021)
- Technology Entry in the Presence of Patent Thickets
with Bronwyn Hall and Georg von Graevenitz, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 73 (2), pp. 903-926 (2021)
- Mixed ownership in the face of technological change: The response to digitization in the telecommunications industry
with David Wehrheim, Hakki Dogan Dalay, and Andrea Fosfuri, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 64 (2020)
- The Impact of International Patent Systems: Evidence from Accession to the European Patent Convention
with Bronwyn Hall, Research Policy, Vol. 48 (9), (2019)
- Pledging Patents for the Public Good: Rise and Fall of the Eco-Patent Commons
with Jorge Contreras and Bronwyn H. Hall, Houston Law Review, Vol. 57 (1), pp. 61-109 (2019)
- Attention and Saliency on the Internet: Evidence from an Online Recommendation System
with Pramila Krishnan and Manasa Patnam, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 161, pp. 216-242 (2019)
- Inter Partes Review and the Design of Post-Grant Patent Reviews
with Colleen Chien and Alfred Spigarelli, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 33 (3), pp. 817-854 (2019)
- Choose the Neighbor before the House: Agglomeration Externalities in UK Science Parks
Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 31–55 (2019)
- Litigation of Standard-Essential Patents in Europe: A Comparative Analysis
with Jorge Contreras, Fabian Gaessler, and Brian Love, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 32, pp. 1457-1488 (2018)
- Trademark Squatters: Theory and Evidence from Chile
with Carsten Fink and Carlos Ponce, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 59, pp. 340-371 (2018)
- Who Needs a Copyright Small Claims Court? Evidence from the UK’s IP Enterprise Court
with Yassine Lefouili, Brian Love, and Luke McDonagh, Berkeley Technology Law Journal Commentaries, (2018)
- Shared Ownership of Intangible Property Rights: The Case of Patent Co-Assignments
with Andrea Fosfuri and Catherine Roux, Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 339-369 (2017)
- Do Board Interlocks Increase Innovation? Evidence from Natural Experiments in India
with Manasa Patnam and Raghavendra Rau, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 80, pp. 51-70 (2017)
- What Can Explain the Chinese Patent Explosion?
with Markus Eberhardt and Zhihong Yu, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 69(1), pp. 239-262 (2017)
- My precious! The location and diffusion of scientific research: evidence from the Synchrotron Diamond Light Source
with Henry Overman, The Economic Journal, Vol. 127 (604), pp. 2006–2040, (2017)
- Patent Litigation in Europe
with Katrin Cremers, Maximilian Ernicke, Fabian Gässler, Dietmar Harhoff, Luke McDonagh, Paula Schliessler, Nicolas van Zeebroeck, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 44 (1), pp 1-44, (2017)
- Invalid but Infringed?! An Analysis of the Bifurcated Patent Litigation System
with Katrin Cremers, Fabian Gässler, Dietmar Harhoff, and Yassine Lefouili, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 131, Part A, pp. 218-242 (2016)
- The heterogeneous effect of software patents onexpected returns: evidence from India
with Markus Eberhardt, Marcel Fafchamps, and Manasa Patnam, Economics Letters, Vol. 145, pp. 73-78 (2016)
- Patent Litigation in China: Protecting Rights or the Local Economy?
with Brian Love and Markus Eberhardt, Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law, Vol. 18, pp. 713- (2016)
- An Empirical Analysis of Primary and Secondary Pharmaceutical Patents in Chile,
with Maria Jose Abud and Bronwyn Hall, PLOS ONE (2015)
- The Impact of University Research on Corporate Patenting: Evidence from UK Universities
with Mark Rogers, Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 40(1), pp 1-24, (2015)
- The choice between formal and informal intellectual property: a review,
with Bronwyn Hall, Mark Rogers, and Vania Sena, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 52(2), pp. 375-423, (2014)
- Does the Rotten Child Spoil His Companion? Spatial Peer Effects Among Children in Rural India,
with Manasa Patnam, Quantitative Economics, Vol. 5(1), pp. 67–121, (2014)
- Is There a Patent Troll Problem in the UK?
with Luke McDonagh and Brian Love, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 509-553, (2014)
- Innovation and diffusion of clean/green technology: can patent commons help?
with Bronwyn Hall, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 66(1), pp. 33-51, (2013)
- Patent Litigation in the UK - An Empirical Survey 2000-2008
with Luke McDonagh, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Vol. 8(11), pages 846-861, (2013)
- Do Spillovers Matter When Estimating Private Returns to R&D?
with Markus Eberhardt and Hubert Strauss, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 95(2), pp. 436-4, (2013)
- The importance (or not) of patents to UK firms
with Bronwyn Hall, Mark Rogers, and Vania Sena, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 65(3), pp. 603-629, (2013)
- Patent Litigation in England and Wales and the Issue-Based Approach to Costs
with Luke McDonagh, Civil Justice Quarterly, Vol.32(3), pp. 369-384, (2013)
- The Use and Abuse of Export Subsidies: Evidence from Colombia
with Natalia Trofimenko, The World Economy, Vol. 36(4), pp. 465-486, (2013)
- The Formation and Evolution of Childhood Skill Acquisition: Evidence from India
with Manasa Patnam, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 95, pp. 252-266, (2011)
- Does Patenting Help High-Tech Start-Ups?
with Mark Rogers, Research Policy, Vol. 40, 1016-1027, (2011)
- Innovation and the Survival of New Firms in the UK
with Mark Rogers, Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 227-248, (2010)
- The role of patent protection in (clean/green) technology transfer
with Bronwyn Hall, Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 487-532, (2010)
See summary at VoxEU
- Firm Growth and Firm Size
with Christoffer Koch and Mark Rogers, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 17 (16), pp. 1547-1550, (2010)